Daniele Camargo Nascimento, Maximiliano Dini, Roseane Maidana Moreira, Norton Victor Sampaio, Márcia Wulff Schuch


The use of grapevine minicutting is an alternative for the production of quality plants. This technique has been gaining ground as one of the most used forms of vegetative propagation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rooting of herbaceous minicuttings of Chardonnay grapevine and SO4 grapevine rootstock by using different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) to form a clonal mini-garden. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four levels of IBA concentrations (0, 500, 1000 and 1500 mg L-1). The minicuttings remained in trays containing vermiculite and kept in a micro sprinkler chamber. After 60 days, the percentage of survival, rooting and callus formation, root number and average length, shoot number and average length were evaluated. For Chardonnay, the means of survival and rooting varied between 93 and 100% in all treatments. In relation to SO4, the IBA concentration of 1500 mg L-1 negatively affected the minicuttings survival and rooting. It is possible to propagate Chardonnay grapevine and SO4 grapevine rootstock through herbaceous minicutting, with no need of apply IBA for the rooting.

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